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Privacy and Policy

Read Our Privacy Terms

As, we respect your personal privacy rights. Explanations regarding the security of your personal information are presented below for your information;

Name, age, address, e-mail, telephone number, etc. of our customers registered at does not publish any information entered during registration on the website. requests your personal information (name, age, address, etc.) in order to provide better service to its customers. Only the customer can access all the information the customer enters into the system and only the customer can change this information. It is not possible for anyone else to access or change this information. This information, collected and stored within the legally determined framework, enables the creation of super advantages and various activities when the customer enters the site, makes purchases and browses the campaigns, and all information to prevent the transmission of unsolicited e-mails is used only within does not share the information collected from its customers during their registration on the site with third parties, without the customer's knowledge or contrary instruction, and does not use or sell it for commercial purposes for any reason other than its activity. Our customers' information can only be disclosed to official authorities if this information is duly requested by the official authorities and when it is obliged to make a disclosure to the official authorities in accordance with the mandatory legislation in force.

Your credit card information requested on the payment page is in no way kept on the servers of or the companies that serve it, in order to keep the security of our valued customers shopping on the site at the highest level. In this way, all payment transactions are made between your bank and your computer through the interface.

The information contained in this document informs the privacy policy. has the right to make changes to this privacy document when necessary.
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